Last year, we moved house to our ‘forever home’, which, aside from a massive increase in our mortgage and bills, came with the realisation of just how much STUFF we have. Unpacking boxes and attempting to find a place for all our belongings is really hard when you’re a sentimental old bean like me - it’s difficult to throw things away! (I’m no Marie Kondo) With a new baby, we seem to have acquired even more items to keep and store and I started to dread Xmas and birthdays and the imminent arrival of even more ‘things’. We decided therefore, to have a focus this year on ‘doing’ things together as a family, using the gift of time rather than collecting more belongings. Consumables were ok, but we really wanted to plan days out, visits to new places and some nice meals or treats to enjoy now that the world seems to be getting back to some level of normality!
Disclosure: Paid Partnership
When covid lockdowns hit the UK, Arthur had just turned 5 and Charlotte was 2. Along with millions of other children, they’ve missed out on so much over the last 3 years. We all did our best to keep life at home fun and happy, with lots of play experiences, but now is the time to try and make the most of getting out and about! Especially now that the warm weather is approaching…we are hoping that Easter will bring us our first germ free school holiday of this year so that we can really enjoy ourselves.