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Wednesday, 11 August 2021

What to Write in a Rude Birthday Card

Rude birthday cards are a popular choice for people who like to push the boundaries. Are you searching for something especially unique and memorable to put in your friend’s birthday card this year? Well, why not try creating your own custom rude birthday card to leave them with red cheeks and a smile from ear to ear. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your wit, racy humour, and general naughtiness. If you are struggling for inspiration, at Boomf they've got some excellent examples of your next rude birthday card message.

Boomf rude birthday card 3D dinosaur 
This is a collaborative guest post

Every year we spend time searching for the funniest, rude birthday card we can find for my brother in law - it has become a bit of a tradition and a definite expectation that the card we choose should be anything but boring...You'll usually know if your card recipient is fair game for this sort thing...

1. A Little About Rude Birthday Cards

Birthday cards are a great way to show you care and let your loved ones know that you are thinking of them. What better way to do this than with a funny and outrageous birthday card? Rude birthday cards are a great option for friends of all ages and are a great way to inject some humour into your birthday wishes. If you have been searching for a great way to celebrate a birthday and make it memorable, then rude birthday cards are a great option and will surely put a smile on their face and show that you are thinking of them.

2. What Sorts Of Things Are Written in Rude Birthday Cards?

There’s no limit to what you can write in a rude birthday card. You can choose to go bold and daring or sweet and sentimental depending on your relationship with the recipient. A lot of birthday cards contain humour, which is a great way to express yourself. However, if you’re not sure what to write, there are tons of silly birthday card ideas that you can choose from. And some of the best birthday card ideas are about your friend or loved one. For example:

● If your friend is a pizza lover, then you can write a pizza-themed birthday card.

● If your friend is a sports nut, then you can write a sports-themed birthday card.

● If your friend is a bookworm, then you can write a literary-themed birthday card.

Boomf rude birthday card uncle knobhead trophy

3. How Do People React To Receiving Rude Birthday Cards?

People typically react to receiving a rude birthday card by laughing and then showing it to all their friends. If you know someone who would appreciate a rude birthday card, then it’s important that you not be afraid to go overboard. You can always start off with a less racy birthday card and then follow it up with a slightly more shocking rude card. If you’re not sure if the person would appreciate a rude birthday card, you can always ask them.


If you are looking for something different that stands out, and will make your friend laugh, then a rude birthday card is the way to go. If you can find one that is funny and clever enough, it will make the perfect birthday card for anyone who likes to have a laugh.

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