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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Twinning with Positive Clothing from Peonies & Peace

Peonies & Peace is the positive clothing shop from the wellbeing and sustainability blog: The Less - Refined mind. Specialising in organic, ethical apparel for babies, kids and adults - if you're looking for a positive message with a gender neutral design, then this is the place to look...

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace
AD: Some of the items pictured were gifted for the purpose of this post. I have previously purchased items from this shop by choice. 
The 4th 'baby' of Kate, author and owner of the blog/shop and mum to two girls - it has never felt as easy to support a small business as it does when you know the business is supporting the values you believe in: Positivity. Liberalism. Feminism. Sustainability. Responsible clothing. Caring for the planet. Striving for Peace...( and if you want to chuck a few peonies in there, then why not)...

Twinning with Positive Clothing from Peonies & Peace

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

Now, I am fully aware that I have mentioned the gender neutral direction of this clothing line and yet here I am, pictured with my boy in blue and my girl in pink, so I am going to address this first and foremost: They choose their own clothes. Charlotte LOVES pink, Arthur loves blue. We looked at the website together and I let them choose the colour and style of their clothes. I believe that children should have the freedom to choose wherever possible and appropriate, and it just so happens that this is how that looks...

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

Both Arthur and Charlotte were absolutely made up with their tops, and they thought it was great that we all had the same design and slogan on our t-shirts - " pollinate positivity". We've done a lot of learning about 'bees' in the past, and Charlotte's favourite toddler class is called "bumble tots" whose mascot is, yep you've guessed it, a bee! They were super excited to try these on and have a go at dancing around and singing some Bumble tots songs together as well. As we are currently self - isolating at home, I'm all for any extra time filling activity ideas so this was a welcome distraction, and the positive message on the t-shirt is very appropriate!
full length tshirt shop of positive clothng from peonies and peace
The fit of the T-shirt was comfortable and the material soft on the skin ( I cannot stand rough or scratchy materials). Arthur is the same as me in that respect, but he tried to get away with wearing this for 4 days in a row! ( I did intervene at that point!)

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace standing up

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace on the slide

The style of top that Charlotte chose didn't come in a size 2 yrs so we went up a size, and it still works really well, with plenty of room to grow as well. She did not manage to keep it clean for very long though, as is her way! Any 'extra' marks you spot in these photos are simply Charlotte being the messy monkey that she is...

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

Peonies & Peace also have some other wonderful, positive messages on their t-shirts, tops, hoodies, sweaters, bags and journals! Why not pop over and take a look? I have previously purchased a t-shirt with the slogan "choose happy" which I absolutely love. 

I can't help but think that this next set of photos should have been accompanied by their "Actually I can" range... 
Charlotte with purple felt tip all over her face and a pollinate positivity top
I think this might be my first official 'twinning' experience with my children when it comes to clothes! Arthur and Charlotte thought it was great fun that we were all wearing the same image and logo on our tops, but they did worry that Daddy might have felt left out...had we known he would have been at home during lockdown too, we probably would have got one for him to join in too!

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

You can find the twinning collection here if you'd like to have a look for yourself. 

Love Sarah x 

twinning with positive clothing from peonies & peace

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