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Saturday, 30 March 2019

Cuthbert the Crab and his Shoelace Shenanigans | How to tie your laces | Review

[Disclosure: We were sent this book in return for an honest review. We know the wonderful author of this book, Sally Beattie, personally - she has a wealth of experience of working with young children as well as being a fabulous mum to her own children.]

Do you remember how you learnt to tie your shoelaces? I found it really tricky until someone taught me the 'bunny ears' method and I remember the school Nurse watching me in fascination as if I was some strange breed because I couldn't do it the 'normal way'. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realised that LOTS of you learnt the same way and it is, in fact, an easier way for most children to tie their laces...

How to tie your laces with cuthbert the crab

This book, Cuthbert the Crab and his Shoelace Shenanigans, not only makes me feel reassuringly normal (it demonstrates how to tie your laces using the bunny ears method) it is a wonderful introduction into the tricky task of learning to tie your shoelaces...

How to tie your shoe laces with Cuthbert the Crab and his Shoelace Shenanigans

cuthbert the crab and his shoelace shenanigans

As a Teacher and a parent, the issue of shoe fastenings is a constant battle! Velcro is great for speed and on the go, but it isn't half annoying during carpet time when you're trying to teach a lesson and all you can hear in the riiiiip of a strap being fastened and unfastened. Shoelaces are silent, but unforgiving when trodden into wet puddles or soggy grass if you are the one having to re-tie eleventy billion of them after playtime. 

Cuthbert the Crab and his Shoelace Shenanigans follows a little crab, Cuthbert, on his quest to solve the problem of the sand burning his feet. His initial solution was to help himself to some flip flops from the beach, which leads into a helpful reminder about not stealing.

cuthbert the crab steals shoes

The story includes some rhyming words, some key words, tricky words and decodeable words so this book is a great way to incorporate a bit of phonics and reading into the mix...  

cuthbert the crab how to tie shoelaces

To go alongside this book, I made a shoelace tying activity using green foam in the shape of a shoe, with holes punched for the laces and a permanent marker pen.

This was super quick and easy, but if you would like something ready made or a little more robust, there are some fab resources available on Amazon to help with practising:

 The lovely thing about this book, is the encouragement for children to have a go themselves. To be 'bold' and do something that Cuthbert wants them to do, rather than just an adult asking them to try...

cuthbert the crab shoelace tying activity

The final page of the book has a double page spread with step by step instructions showing you exactly how to go about tying your shoelaces using the bunny ears method...

how to tie shoelaces using the bunny ears method

Of course, the instructions are there as a guide to help you demonstrate in real life how to tie a bow, and this book works as a brilliant tool to start discussions around a child attempting to have a go themselves!

You can buy Cuthbert the Crab and his Shoelace Shenanigans over on Amazon:


cuthbert the crab and his shoelace shenanigans how to tie shoelaces

Sarah x 

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