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Monday, 19 February 2018

Squished kisses against the window glass - a poem

squished kisses against the window glass poem

Squished kisses against the window glass. 
Carefree wondering in the wet grass. 
Searching for worms. 
Discoveries to share. 
Wind blowing his curly hair. 
Making the most of these childhood days. 
Oh to go back to those childish ways.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Project Playroom Extension - Planning and Building

Project Playroom Extension planning and building

It has always been my dream to have a house with a playroom (and a utility room, but fun comes before washing in our household!) and sometimes, you have to take a bit of a gamble and spend a bit of dosh to make the best out of the situation you are in. We spend SO many moments talking about what we will have in our 'forever home', but nothing makes you realise the speed at which time passes like watching your children grow. I had started to feel a bit sad that by the time we could afford this 'dream home' our children would be too old to really make the best of it. By practising a bit of mindfulness and attempting to live in the moment a little more, we took the plunge and 'project playroom extension' began earlier on this year...

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