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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Summer Infant Panorama Digital Colour Video Monitor - Review

Why oh why did I not consider a video monitor before now??!! It's like rediscovering the joy of those newborn days where you just used to stare at them sleeping for hours on end - except this week I've been watching Arthur 'failing' to have a nap and literally howling on the inside at what he gets up to whilst trying not to give the game away!

Summer Infant Panorama Digital Colour Video Monitor review

Saturday, 20 May 2017

A Perfect View with Perfect Glasses

Both my Husband and I are short sighted and require correctional lenses in order to see. My prescription is quite bad and so I usually wear contact lenses - but a few years ago I suffered from a serious infection in my cornea called Acanthamoeba Keratitis which left me unable to see in one eye and requiring hospital visits, hourly drops to my eye and a corneal scrape (yes it was as painful as it sounds!) Luckily I made a full recovery, but I was unable to wear contact lenses for quite a while and I often try to give my eyes a break by switching to glasses whenever possible. 

A perfect view with perfect glasses

My Husband on the other hand hates wearing contact lenses and wears glasses every day. Between us we probably spend a small fortune on glasses, frames and lenses and so are always on the look out for reasonably priced glasses online or in store...

Thursday, 11 May 2017

The Holiday Bump...

Negotiating a holiday wardrobe whilst pregnant is no easy task. In theory, it sounds perfect: long, cool, floaty dresses, flip flops which don't constrain tired, swollen feet and the ability to wear a bikini without worrying that your tummy might look a bit big, because, well you know - it's supposed to!  

Arthurwears black and white pregnancy bikini and kimono - the holiday bump

Sounds like a match made in heaven, unless of course your ever expanding bump (and body) is not only unpredictable but also out of control. By day 3 of our holidays I'd outgrown my underwear and suddenly realised the perils of having to keep my legs hair-free when I struggled to even see them...

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