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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

My top picks for protecting sensitive skin in babies and toddlers

protecting sensitive skin in babies and toddlers

Most babies and young children have very sensitive skin - although Arthur is particularly sensitive to a lot of products so we have always been extra careful. We always use non-bio washing powder, having learnt early on what can happen when we don't...before Arthur was born we washed everything ready for his return home, but the one thing we just didn't think about was a last minute purchase - a cotton cover for the changing mat - which went straight on without a thought given. Here was the result:

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

The Book of Everyone - a Present for the Nanny who has Everything?

The book of everyone review

Hello everybody! It's Arthur here, on a blog take over for the first time since my diary of a 9 month old escape artist...I can walk and everything now! 

So...I've been listening to mummy talking on the phone to Auntie Laura and it turns out that Nanny Lyn has a birthday coming up!! Nanny Lyn is actually my 'Grandma' or my 'Nanna' but she thinks she is too young for that name, so I call her Nanny Lyn! (Actually I call her Danny Lyn but that's another story!)

I've been wondering what I could give nanny Lyn for her birthday...

As you can see, she is actually a very young and glamorous looking Nanny, so she doesn't need lots of lotions and potions, nips and tucks...

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Motherhood - the loneliest of times

Motherhood the loneliest of times

Before I begin, I know there will be many of you out there who may read the title of this post, wishing that you just had the chance to be that lonely - possibly thinking how lucky I am to know what 'motherhood' is and silently screaming at me, "Just be with your baby - Be with your child. Play with them, enjoy them, have fun...Cherish those moments together. Stop being so ungrateful. Stop thinking about what you don't have".

I will be forever grateful for the child I have, for the time I get...and maybe the only person silently screaming those things at me is myself.... But I am certainly not alone in realising that motherhood (and often, fatherhood) although one of the best, most rewarding jobs in the world, can also be one of the loneliest.

They say that it takes a village to raise a child. I actually think it takes a village to raise a mother.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Halloween pumpkin decomposition activity - Understanding the world

pumpkin decomposition activity - understanding the world

With Halloween shortly upon us, I have already noticed the buzz growing steadily on Facebook and Pinterest around appropriate activities for parents/Teachers/childminders to plan in at school and at home. There are alot of 'make and do' activities which I see popping up year after year which are great for hitting particular learning goals within the EYFS, but still leave gaps within an area which can be tricky to plan for: "Understanding the World - The World".
So, I'm not going to write a blog about making halloween masks, cards, hats, candy apples, notepaper, design your own witch, trick or treat words etc - I'm going to ask you to think about planning an activity for when that's all over...

Thursday, 6 October 2016

My charm story

Links of London Sweetie charm bracelet

A few weeks ago the lovely Donna from 'what the redhead said' tagged me in her charm bracelet story to write about my own charm bracelet, so here it is: My charm story...

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