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Friday, 19 August 2016

"Today I made a total mess" - Tommee Tippee® Mini Moments (giveaway)

Tommee Tippee Mini Moments milestone cards giveaway as part of the Asda Baby Event #parenton
There's a reason he's in the basket and the washing is not...
If you are a parent already, you will no doubt be familiar with the various 'milestone cards' used to chart your baby's achievements...usually via strategic placement of said 'card' next to baby ( or toddler), snapping away and then editing the hell out of your photo until baby looks perfect and your Instagram world looks nothing short of rosy, milk smelling, powdery puffs of perfection.

Guilty as charged.

Except to be fair, I never actually used milestone cards myself because:

  1. No body bought me any - and I didn't get dressed for weeks after birth, let alone do any shopping.
  2. Due to a bad case of colic and reflux, Arthur just screamed all.the.time
  3. I wanted to chart a little bit more than just the usual 'months'
I just edited my photos with text!

The thing with just writing your own captions though, is this: If you are 100% honest about the lows of parenting, it just looks like some sort of moaning meme with a picture of your child in the background. It's not half as funny ( or reassuring!) as your other half handing you a camera and a pre-printed card from a pack which says "Today I did an explosive nappy" whilst you attempt to 'de-poop' yourself, your child, your walls, your floor.....

Milestone cards which are a little bit more 'honest' give you permission to be the same. 

And whilst we are on the subject of honesty, it's not just the 'lows' that can challenge you to do this - its the 'highs' aswell. For example: "I slept through the night"...


The great news is these 'mini moments' milestone cards, charting the highs and the lows of parenting do actually exist!  Tommee Tippee® have produced a set called Mini Moments which includes 20 beautifully illustrated cards to capture those momentous occasions and 20 real-life cards to capture the often humorous lows of parenting.

So how can you get a pack of these little rectangular trophies, in order to celebrate those momentous occasions and disastrous lows???
Firstly, Tommee Tippee® are giving away 10,000 Mini Moments cards in the upcoming Asda Baby Event which starts on the 22nd August. You will be able to get a FREE pack of Tommee Tippee Mini Moments with every Manual Breast Pump or Newborn Starter Kit in the Asda Baby Event ( whilst stocks last)

Secondly,  guess who else has some to give away too?? Yes, that's right - I do!

I have 5 packs of Tommee Tippee Mini Moments milestone cards to giveaway - you don't have to be a parent already, they make great gifts, and parents with toddlers will probably also appreciate most of them. Arthur is 19 months old and I am still waiting on a few 'highs' and regularly dealing with a number of 'lows'! 

NB: I'd also like to suggest that a number of these cards could also be used for photos of your spouse, or even yourself...." Today I'm in the worst mood"  resonate with anyone?

Tommee Tippee Mini Moments milestone cards giveaway as part of the Asda Baby Event #parenton

  Tommee Tippee has created a new global platform that unites, encourages and empowers parents to trust their instincts and Parent On. When Tommee Tippee started 50 years ago, there were no search engines for parents to turn to – only common sense and gut instinct. parent-on is a new platform designed to empower and unite parents all over the world in a positive, fun and inspiring way to share their ‘Parent On Moments’ using the hashtag #ParentOn

Tommee Tippee Mini Moments milestone cards giveaway as part of the Asda Baby Event #parenton

Why not read some of my other posts:

For all the Mummies going back to work...this one's for you

Having a baby - the things they never told me about pregnancy, labour and motherhood

The diary of a 9 month old escape artist

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