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Friday, 19 August 2016

"Today I made a total mess" - Tommee Tippee® Mini Moments (giveaway)

Tommee Tippee Mini Moments milestone cards giveaway as part of the Asda Baby Event #parenton
There's a reason he's in the basket and the washing is not...
If you are a parent already, you will no doubt be familiar with the various 'milestone cards' used to chart your baby's achievements...usually via strategic placement of said 'card' next to baby ( or toddler), snapping away and then editing the hell out of your photo until baby looks perfect and your Instagram world looks nothing short of rosy, milk smelling, powdery puffs of perfection.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Vlog testimonial for Shaw Academy: Diploma in Blogging and Content Marketing

Are you thinking about taking an online course with Shaw Academy? Here is a quick vlog testimonial (my first ever - be nice!) on my experience. It's really quick (only 2.5mins long) so if you have any further questions, pop them in the comment box below and I will reply...

Oh and if any more experienced 'vloggers' can tell me how to choose the still image that displays on a YouTube video I'd be really grateful - don't especially like this shot of me with my eyes closed lol!!!...

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Kidloland App review

Kidloland app review and giveaway

Last month I was given a year's subscription to the Kidloland app for pre-schoolers to try out and review, plus five, 3 month subscriptions for my readers to win. We have spent a good amount of time trying out this app and I can honestly say it is fabulous! Here's why...

Thursday, 4 August 2016

EYFS Toddler Activities roundup 1 - Learning through play

EYFS 'learning through play' toddler activities

EYFS Toddler Activities roundup 1 learning through play

Those of you who follow me on social media, will no doubt have noticed that I LOVE to come up with interesting 'learning through play'  activities for Arthur to try at home. Play is the best way for children ( and arguably adults too) to learn! If it is fun, we are more likely to remember it aren't we?? Over the coming weeks I am going expand on some of my social media posts in more detail, should you wish to give some of these a go yourself...

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