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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Presents suitable for travelling - babies and toddlers

baby toddler gifts suitable for travelling

If you are spending Xmas day away from home this year, it can be tricky trying to work out which gifts to take with you - particularly so if you are flying anywhere! 
Airlines often have strict luggage weight and size allowances, not to mention babies and young children often don't have their own luggage allowance, so you are already sharing a suitcase. Whatever your mode of transport, it can be hard to find gifts that are exciting for little ones, whilst also being lightweight and flexible!

Here are some of the gift ideas I came up with for Arthur - luckily he can't yet read so this wont spoil a thing!

There are also some great tips for memorable travel with children here. 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Arthur's 10 month update

baby ten months

Arthur at ten months

 I had intended to do one of these every month - but that didn't quite work out, so I'm starting at double figures! I'm am sure when it comes to having baby number 2, I will wish I had the other updates to look back on, but better late than never!

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