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Thursday, 5 November 2015

Baby challenge baskets

baby challenge basketbaby challenge basketbaby challenge basket

baby challenge basket

This is a really simple but effective activity which will offer an element of challenge to babies and young children, enabling them to work on their 'characteristics of effective learning' as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage: 

  CoL - Being involved and concentrating >Active Learning
  CoL - Being willing to have a go >Playing and exploring
  CoL - Choosing ways to do things and finding new ways >Creating and thinking critically
  CoL - Enjoying achieving what they set out to do >Active Learning
  CoL - Finding out and exploring >Playing and exploring
  CoL - Having their own ideas >Creating and thinking critically
  CoL - Keeping on trying >Active Learning
  CoL - Using what they already know to learn new things >Creating and thinking critically
  CoL - Using what they know in their play >Playing and exploring 

Arthur and his friend loved trying to retrieve the items from the baskets and they perservered for much longer than I expected! This activity can be differentiated for each individual child by making the spaces between the string/rope bigger or smaller, having more/less string and having bigger/smaller items to try and get out of the basket. Any basket with holes or spaces to tie the string will do, or even a colander!!

Did you like this post? Why not take at look at some of my other activities:

Learning through play posts

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