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Wednesday, 2 March 2022

DIY Sensory activity mat for babies

DIY baby sensory play mat

This blog post gives you some ideas, inspiration and links to buy resources in order to make your own DIY sensory play mat for your baby or toddler...

When Arthur was 5/6 months he started to become really interested in zips and labels - he'd fiddle and play with them at any opportunity. I decided to make him a sensory activity mat to help him with this exploratory phase - making sure to include lots of different textures for his little hands and fingers to pull on, scratch and feel.

The mat itself is a memory foam bath mat - lovely and squidgy to press!

how to make a baby sensory activity mat

The most important thing is to make sure that everything is totally secure - and even so, I still make sure that this activity is always supervised just in case.

Many of the beads were threaded on and secured with plastic laces, tied securely and knotted at the back as opposed to string or cotton which is easily frayed or snapped by tiny fingers or teeth!

The other items were sewn on securely using a needle and cotton.

Some of the items I have included on Arthur's mat are: (links to buy underlined and additional images further down in the post)

And what did Arthur make of it?...

baby sensory activity

Well, he found the original label and played with that of course!!!

If you haven’t got the patience to make your own then you can always buy a ready made busy board - but please do make sure it has been UKCA tested. 

Charlotte's sensory baby play mat:

When Charlotte was a baby the blue play mat was still going strong but  I decided to make another sensory play mat for her baby cousins to use, similar to Arthur's but with more silicone and wooden teethers...

DIY baby sensory play mat

The bath mat was still a memory foam mat like before, and there were lots of similar resources included but with more of a focus on silicone and wooden teethers, beads and textured items to add interest...

Again, the beads and teethers were attached securely with strong plastic jewellery chord...

DIY baby sensory play mat

DIY baby sensory play mat

DIY baby sensory play mat

DIY baby sensory play mat

DIY baby sensory play mat

Buy items to make this sensory mat here:

Safety notice:

Please be aware that it is illegal to make sensory mats, teethers and toys for babies which you intend to sell unless you have the finished product and all of its components safety tested by a lab under toy safety laws EN71-1,2,3 . This blog post is to help you make a sensory mat for yourself which you do not intend to sell for profit. You can read a bit more about toy safety testing here.

More home made project ideas here:

Learning through play posts

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