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Thursday, 29 October 2015

For all the Mummies going back to work - End of maternity leave poem

A poem for all of the mummies returning to work at the end of maternity leave. Includes an option to buy this poem as a printed card.

end of maternity leave poem - for all the mummies going back to work

I have a lovely friend who is about to start work again after maternity leave and her child has recently started nursery. She has been feeling a bit sad about the whole thing, and so, although this post is for every single Mummy out there in this position - she is the one who I thought about whilst writing this maternity leave poem....

Monday, 26 October 2015

Outcast on our train journey - mums and babies - is this fair?

baby train journey

I don't normally like to write about negative experiences on this blog but I feel this one needs to be aired...

Today I decided to take Arthur on a train journey into Leeds to meet a friend. Although he is 9 months old, this is only the third time I have actually done this, mainly because my last experience left me in a situation where I had to leave Arthur on the platform and board the train to ask for some help from a fellow passenger ( a school boy!) in getting the pushchair onto the train. We almost didn't make it as the conductor started to shut the doors. The station where I board the train has not only a HUGE gap between the train and the platform, but also a noticeable height difference making it impossible for some to walk onto the train, let alone board the train with a buggy/pushchair without help. 
Truthfully, it surprises me that there is no help offered automatically from staff on the train to mothers with babies/toddlers, which brings me to my experience today...

Monday, 19 October 2015

The diary of a 9 month old escape artist

My name is Arthur, I am 9 months old and I LOVE to break free! My Mummy thought it was great at first, she used to clap and tell me how clever I was...

Today things have taken a drastic turn! I managed to tip my baby bouncer over whilst Mummy was on the toilet and I crawled out of the room with it strapped to my back!! 

baby 9 months

(That'll teach her - sitting down to do a wee - why does she think nappies were even invented??! ...You just carry on making my lunch Mamma, whilst simultaneously singing me a song so that I am fully entertained and then just do your wee then!)

Honestly, grown ups!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Having a baby...the things they never told me about pregnancy, labour and motherhood

pregnancy labour breastfeeding

I almost didn't publish this post - not because of all the new and soon to be mums out there reading this who don't know me, more the fact that the people who do know me will definitely read this and then KNOW...

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

DIY sensory pouches TUTORIAL

baby sensory pouches using laminate sheets

We have probably all seen various sensory pouches available for babies and young children - they are a great way to let your little ones explore different textures and materials safely and without any mess. I have made these in the past using ziplock bags, but it can be hard to stop them leaking. This version uses laminating sheets and you don't need a laminator to make them!

baby safe  sensory laminate pouches

DIY glitter sensory bottles

glitter glue baby sensory bottle

If you read my previous post all about sensory play for babies and toddlers, you may be wondering how I made the glitter sensory bottles, so here is a quick how to guide so that you can make your own....

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Today's thought...Mondays...

quote mondays

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Developing Speech and Language in the Early Years - helping babies and children to communicate

This blog post focuses on appropriate communications and interactions with young children,  explaining how to aid and develop language by use of questions, when not to question, how to 'give language' to babies and toddlers and when to seek further help.

speech language EYFS
Arthur doing the actions for 'incy wincy spider'

How many times have you looked at a baby and thought " I wish I knew what they were thinking?!"

Friday, 2 October 2015

Online games for children

Children love technology. Give them a game to play online and they generally have more fun just because they feel like they are 'playing'. Here is a list of some educational games for your child to try at home which I have used successfully in an Early Years classroom:

Do you have any great games you have tried which I should add to my list? Comment below.

Today's thought - learn through play not through demand

learn through play quote

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