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Wednesday, 30 September 2015

10 fat sausages number activity

I have had a couple of people message and ask me about the sausages in the photo on my last blog post about Maths (click here), so I thought i would do a quick post to explain the activity so that you can use it at home or in your own setting:

10 fat sausages number activity10 fat  sausages number activity
(Sorry about the photo quality - it is the only one I can find at the moment! I definitely have a better one somewhere! i'll keep looking)

Although you can't see in this photo, at the bottom of each string of sausages is a laminated word - one says "POP!" and the other (you guessed it) "BANG".

There are 5 sausages on each string and as you can see, they are next to their corresponding numbers.

The sausages start at the top of the string, as you sing the rhyme and say "one went pop!" you move a sausage down to the bottom, and again when you sing "the other went bang!" until there are no sausages left at the top of the string.

This activity is brilliant for the following:

  1. Helping children to join in with number rhymes
  2. Learning about subtraction as the sausages are taken away
  3. aiding discussions about odd and even numbers as each are displayed on a separate side
  4. Helping with counting in twos as the sausages are side by side and 2 are moved together, you can count how many are left "2,4,6..."
  5. Number recognition with the numerals at the side
  6. Reading and recognising CVC/CVCC words "pop" and "bang"

The sausages were bought in the pet section of a local homestore ( they are sold in lots of places) so easy to get hold of. This really is a brilliant way to aid maths and learning in a FUN way.

Everyone learns so much better when we are having a fun time - definitely children! Give this one a go they will love it.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Why not try some of my other activities:

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