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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

My husband steals my toothbrush...

Sonic Chic toothbrush

My Husband steals my Toothbrush

You know the scenario, (or maybe you don't, in which case - read on...) you're X number of years into your relationship with 'Mr Perfect'/ 'The One'/ the 'love of your life forever and ever', when suddenly the teeny tiny little things that you'd completely glazed over whilst wearing your rose tinted glasses, they start to...shall we say, become less invisible?
I'm not going to list everything in this post (maybe I'll write another post in a few months if my readers aren't too annoyed by this one and my husband has forgiven me!) so I have decided to focus on one particular thing: My toothbrush.


We started out with our own individual, bog standard, basic brushes. The kind you have to manually move around your mouth to clean your sparklers with before rinsing and leaving to dry in a pot, or, if you are a bit lazy like me - usually just left on the side of the sink. They definitely got a bit mixed up sometimes, usually in a drunken stupor - but I told myself this was totally ok, we kiss and that's sort of the same right??! 
As we got older, for the sake of our teeth and future dental hygiene we invested in a fab sonic electronic all singing all dancing toothbrush (just the one mind - I'd like to say out of a love of sharing, but really it was an issue of money, but we do have separate brush heads!) 

Now here is my problem: hubby works away a lot these days. When he works away, he takes the fancy toothbrush with him, leaving me with a brush head and/or an old manual toothbrush to choose from and make the best of it. His teeth look better than mine. I suggest he takes a 'normal' brush on his travels but he's a little attached!

Imagine my delight then, when I was given the chance to review the new travel SONIC Chic toothbrush from lifes2good. Perfect! A fancy, cool looking electronic toothbrush of my very own without having to worry about maintaining a set of pearly white nashers in my husband's absence! Slick, chic and small enough to fit in my makeup bag and definitely cool enough to leave on the side of the sink - I was pretty excited to try this one out. 

SONIC Chic toothbrush

This toothbrush is able to deliver an astonishing 22,000 brushstrokes per minute and comes complete with a vented cap ( perfect for keeping in my handbag, if needs be!) They come in a variety of prints and even a DELUXE version (32,000 brushstrokes) which has a USB charger and is available in silver and gold. The brush I have works with a single AAA battery ( provided) and comes with an extra brush head too... (wait, I know what you're thinking!)

It costs a very reasonable £20 for the SONIC Chic Urban, with the SONIC chic DELUXE retailing at £30 and both are available from Boots, Wells Pharmacy, Tesco and Look Fantastic.

NB: SONIC Chic replacement heads (DELUXE RRP £8 and URBAN RRP £5) are available from Boots stores and online.

Imagine my surprise then, when after kissing hubster goodbye in the morning (not to be seen for 2 whole days) I make my way to the bathroom to brush up on my teeth cleaning skills only to find ....

...yep, you've guessed it: he's stolen my new SONIC Chic toothbrush!

Sarah x

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