A poem for all of the mummies returning to work at the end of maternity leave. Includes an option to buy this poem as a printed card.

I have a lovely friend who is about to start work again after maternity leave and her child has recently started nursery. She has been feeling a bit sad about the whole thing, and so, although this post is for every single Mummy out there in this position - she is the one who I thought about whilst writing this maternity leave poem....
For all the Mummies going back to work - End of maternity leave poem
(Please do not copy and paste this image into social media without including the url of this post and tagging Arthurwears - thank you)
NB: This poem is subject to copyright. Please do not copy, paste, create your own imagery or reproduce without permission. When sharing via social media such as facebook, please include the url (web address) of this post and tag Arthurwears.
Would you like to buy a card print of this poem for a mum returning to work?
And so the day has come,
You knew it would,
This maternity leave is done for good,
How can it be that a year has gone by?
It seems like only yesterday you heard that first cry...
The first nappy change, the first journey home,
That first lovely feed, your first day alone,
The cuddles at night when they don't want to sleep,
Then the visitors come and they don't make a peep!
Has it really all passed?
Has time really moved on?
Do you now have a child who is soon to be one?
And so nursery will call, and the promise of friends,
You'll let go of their hand and think, "is this where it ends?"
They might cry for a week, they might cry for a day,
But you know they'll be fine once you just walk away...
And yes, although it may feel like a loss you must face,
It's just goodbye to the baby - there's a child in its place.
So this isn't the end, there's still so much to see:
What path will they take? Who will they be?
You'll still get to play games, get to watch them grow tall,
Hold their hand at the park and be there when they fall...
Perhaps not every day, perhaps not every time,
You won't sing every song, you won't know every rhyme,
But the things they will gain from this place they will go,
As their confidence soars and relationships grow,
They'll learn to take turns, learn to play with their friends,
Learn to say sorry, be kind, make amends.
So remember this, Mummy, and always be sure,
You're doing great, you're amazing, you don't need to do more!
The things you've achieved and the child you have raised,
Will love you whatever, be it 3 or 5 days.
So please don't feel guilty, feel down or feel sad,
It's time to feel proud - what a year you have had!
You did it! You made it! What a great job you've done,
You'll be a Mummy forever - that job's just begun. X
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